Wednesday, July 11, 2007

FINCA International call for papers

FINCA International Call for Microfinance Papers
FINCA International Call for Microfinance Papers
To be presented at FINCA’s Research SymposiumFrom Field to Function: Harnessing Social Data to Empower Change
With programs in 21 countries throughout Latin America, Eurasia and Africa, FINCA’s geographic reach is among the widest of the leading microfinance networks. FINCA has a 22-year institutional history of serving the poor and has become a leader in microfinance services for post-conflict societies.
FINCA is also working to engage students and academics in the cause of microfinance. Through research and outreach activities FINCA hopes to cultivate the next generation of leaders dedicated to poverty alleviation, international development and microfinance.
As a component of this initiative, generously supported by the Templeton Foundation, students and young professionals are invited to submit research papers based on data sets gathered from FINCA’s client assessment field research.
To Apply: Please submit a one-page abstract no later than December 1, 2006, via email to Katie Torrington, Research Coordinator, at Participants should request data sets to be sent as needed via email. All documents must use 12 point, Times New Roman font with standard margins.
The one-page abstract must include:
the title of the research paper,
research questions,
key issues to be addressed, and
the country and/or countries to be analyzed.
Research papers must be between 15-20 pages, double-spaced and include:
an executive summary,
10 or more outside citations,
an explanation of research methods,
conclusions, and
Students and young professionals are encouraged to take advantage of the unique opportunity to thoroughly analyze data gleaned from the field along with current microfinance literature to provide cutting-edge insights and present them directly to leading practitioners and fellow students.
Final papers should be submitted no later than January 15, 2007 , via the email address included in this text. Participants must be available to present their paper in person at the symposium in March. Upon submission, papers will be evaluated by an industry panel. Winners will be notified in early February 2007.
Monetary awards will be granted as follows for outstanding submissions: first place $1,000, second place $500 and third place $250. The winning papers will be featured at FINCA’s From Field to Function research symposium scheduled for late March.
Upon accepting his or her award, each winner will present their findings at the symposium. Presenters will also sit on a topical panel to be moderated by a recognized microfinance industry practitioner. Winning research papers may be published.
About FINCA International: The mission of FINCA International is to provide financial services to the world's lowest-income entrepreneurs so they can create jobs, build assets, and improve their standard of living. FINCA village banking programs provide small loans and technical support for the self-employed poor, helping them to work their own way out of poverty.
FINCA International1101 14 th Street, NWWashington , DC